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Does WordPress use cookies?

turned-on monitor

In light of data protection laws like GDPR and the ePrivacy Regulations (PECR) you may be concerned about whether your WordPress website is placing cookies on your visitors devices – and whether you should be concerned about this. In this article we’ve collaborated with wordpress web development experts to explore exactly what you can expect …

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UK Home Office Receives Enforcement Notice Over Migrant GPS Tagging Data Risks

Aerial view of city

The UK Home Office has been issued an enforcement notice alongside a stern warning by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for inadequately assessing the privacy implications of electronic monitoring of migrants. This action follows discussions with the ICO regarding a controversial pilot program that tracked the GPS locations of up to 600 migrants who entered …

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Exciting updates to our free GDPR training course: streamlined access and enhanced user experience

Measured Collective Logo Preview on GDPR Course on Macbook Pro laptop

At Measured Collective, we are always striving to provide the best possible learning experience for our community of over 5,000 people who have joined us to deepen their understanding of data protection and GDPR compliance. We’re excited to announce that our Free GDPR Training Course is now available on a more reliable platform with no …

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Canal+ fined €600k for GDPR breaches including failure to report data breach

green potted plant on brown wooden table

French broadcasting company Groupe Canal+ was recently fined €600,000 by the French data protection authority (CNIL) for multiple violations of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The CNIL’s investigation uncovered several areas where Canal+ was non-compliant: The data breach in question exposed the contact details of around 10,000 Canal+ subscribers over a period of 5 hours. …

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GDPR legitimate interests assessment guide & worked example

Lazy with her hands out balancing the risks of applying legitimate interests to data processing

It’s one of the most flexible lawful bases under GDPR but applying it comes with some caveats. To apply legitimate interests you need to be sure that your processing activity fulfils your purposes, is necessary and doesn’t override the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject. In other words, your use of …

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What is considered “disproportionate effort” under GDPR?

Hand over envelopes

Under Article 13 of GDPR you must give data subjects information about your data processing practices, this is commonly known as the “Right to be informed”. This information includes but is not limited to what types of data you process about them, under what legal basis you process the data and where the processing takes …

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Do I need ongoing GDPR training?

In today’s world, we all end up processing personal data in some capacity even if we are not in a client or customer facing role. GDPR training has become essential for the whole team. Without good training, staff will lack the awareness required to complete their day to day tasks in a GDPR compliant manner. …

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How to make any form GDPR compliant

Person completing online forms from laptop

Whether you’re using a simple contact us form on your website, trying to drive newsletter sign-ups or even manage job applications through online forms. Most of us are using online forms somewhere on our websites. Forms are a practical way to gather data but can also be a GDPR compliance risk if not set up …

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Does GDPR apply to b2b data?

Does GDPR apply to b2b data image of question mark and data over city landscape

If you processing personal data for “b2b” or business to business purposes, does GDPR apply? There is often some confusion over this issue but in most cases yes, the GDPR still applies. So in this article we’ll look at some examples of b2b processing and explore what you may need to consider in order to …

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Mailchimp & GDPR: What you need to know to improve GDPR & PECR compliance

Monkey from Mailchimp Character

Email marketing tools have improved the way we communicate with customers. Not only can we send regular newsletters, we can also use marketing automation features to send communications to customers based on their interactions with our websites and apps.  These emails can engage customers and lead to sales, and do all this in a cost-efficient …

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