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Does WordPress use cookies?

turned-on monitor

In light of data protection laws like GDPR and the ePrivacy Regulations (PECR) you may be concerned about whether your WordPress website is placing cookies on your visitors devices – and whether you should be concerned about this. In this article we’ve collaborated with wordpress web development experts to explore exactly what you can expect …

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Royal Mail fined £20,000 under PECR for marketing automation gone wrong

Royal Mail Post Box with PECR Fine illustration on top

The ICO have fined Royal Mail £20,000 for their recent email marketing gaffe, which led to over 213,000 customers who had not consented to marketing communications – receiving promotional emails for their commemorative ‘War of the Roses’ collectable stamp set. Unusually this case did not begin with a series of complaints to the ICO from …

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What the marketing team at Virgin Media got wrong about PECR

Picture of media screens with question mark overlay

The ICO’s recent enforcement action against Virgin Media shows us that some marketers are still failing to understand the ICO’s guidance on PECR. In this article we’ll look at the case, examine what went wrong and provide some simple solutions that can help you reduce your risk of making the same mistakes. On the 6th …

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Facebook to update cookie consent controls on Facebook & Instagram in Europe

Facebook App Icon on mobile phone

Their aim is to improve alignment with the ePrivacy Directive (UK – PECR) and GDPR. Facebook announced via their newsroom on Thursday (23rd September 2021) that they will be changing their cookie consent controls within the European region for Facebook and Instagram users. The goal is to give users “a more granular level of control” …

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Most ironic PECR fine yet as firm selling nuisance call blocker fined under TPS rules

Old phone sitting on desk

A new contender for the most ironic PECR fine yet has entered the ring: The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), in the United Kingdom, has fined Yes Consumer Solutions Limited (YCSL) £170,000 for making 188,493 unsolicited direct marketing calls to customers registered with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS). The fine follows an assessment under the Privacy …

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GDPR & Google Analytics 4: What you need to know

Google Analytics on a Laptop

Thinking of switching to the new Google Analytics 4? Stay GDPR compliant by reading our short guide where we’ll outline the areas you should pay the most attention to when making the switch. Switching to Google Analytics 4 gives marketers & site managers a wide range benefits: Machine learning: access to automatic insights and improved …

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ICO fines protein e-commerce company Muscle Foods Limited for sending millions of marketing messages without valid consent

Salmon and High Protein Foods on a Table

Over seven months, the ICO estimates that protein retailing e-commerce company Muscle Food sent 135,651,627 marketing emails and 6,354,426 marketing SMS messages without valid consent. The ICO have issued Muscle Foods Limited, trading as Muscle Food, a monetary penalty notice and enforcement notice imposing a fine of £50,000 for sending approximately 135,651,627 marketing emails and …

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ICO fines “Digital Growth Experts Ltd” £60,000 for sending thousands of nuisance marketing texts during coronavirus pandemic

Handgel Applied to Woman's Hand

The ICO have recently fined “Digital Growth Experts Ltd”, formerly “Motorhome Brokers Ltd” for sending thousands of marketing text messages without consent.  This brazen breach of PECR occured between 29 February and 30 April 2020. Reportedly, 16,190 messages were received, promoting a hand sanitising gel. During their investigation the ICO found that Digital Growth Experts …

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The most common cookie banner mistakes and how to fix them

Funny cookie banner diagram showing bad practices and dark patterns

Is your cookie banner breaking the law? Probably. Most website owners will remember the rush many years ago, to comply with the “EU Cookie Law”. The original 2011 directive made cookie notices a part of internet life. But it didn’t really do much for people’s privacy. Compliance was at best — patchy. Some of us …

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