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To save this page as a PDF, follow these steps based on your browser:
Google Chrome
- Click on the three-dot menu icon at the top-right corner of the browser window.
- Select “Print” from the dropdown menu.
- In the print dialog, choose “Save as PDF” as the destination.
- To change the orientation to landscape, click on “More settings” and adjust the orientation to “Landscape” if needed.
- If you wish to include background graphics, click on “More settings” and enable the “Background graphics” option.
- Click on “File” in the top menu and select “Print” from the dropdown menu.
- In the print dialog, click on the “PDF” dropdown menu at the bottom-left corner.
- Choose “Save as PDF” as the option.
- To change the orientation to landscape, click on “Show Details” and adjust the orientation to “Landscape” if needed.
- If you wish to include background graphics, click on “Show Details” and enable the “Print background” option
Microsoft Edge
- Click on the three-dot menu icon at the top-right corner of the browser window.
- Select “Print” from the dropdown menu.
- In the print dialog, choose “Microsoft Print to PDF” as the printer destination to save the page as a PDF.
- To change the orientation to landscape, click on “More settings” and adjust the orientation to “Landscape” if needed.
- If you wish to include background graphics, click on “More settings” and enable the “Background graphics” option.
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